November December 2014 - The Essential Herbal

November December 2014 Essential Herbal (digital)

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Field Notes Original thought and ideas in herbalism. Unique Holiday Season Recipes, Marcy Lautanen-Raleigh A selection of delectables for the holidays.
Cutting Back, Jamie Jackson Sometimes things don't work out the way the books say they will. Fire Cider--A Tradition Not a Trademark, Rosemary Gladstar A complete explanation of what has been happening and the recipe.
6 Herbs to Fight Viruses, Sandy Michelsen Good info for staying healthy, and a recipe for elderberry syrup. Gift of Health for the Holidays, Heddy Johannesen Instructions for making an herbal gift, and the lore that goes with it.
Soap Connections, Solstice Fire Soap, Marci Tsohonis A super deluxe bar. Fireplace Bundles, Rita Richardson Rest by the fire with these starters, soup, and bread.
What Goes Around, "Hydraulics & Herbs" Part 2, Suzan T Scholl How does that blood get around? How can you help? The Roots are not Evil, Marita A Orr Root medicine isn't so scary.
Slow Medicine, Connecting Herbalism to the Food Movement, Adrian White Food is our medicine. Dyeing with Herbs, Michele Pfaff Some easy dyeing tips.
Gathering an Herb Study Group, Kristine Brown How to start a group. Sumac, Susanna Reppert Brill What is it and how do you use it?
Cover art by Carey Adler Jung